Day 2 — We’re Listening…
It seems a majority of people have now received the memo. As it stands currently, over 75% of people have already bonded their old Hedge Tokens into the new protocol and are eagerly awaiting the Token ToolKit (T2K) Launch at 1700 UTC on Saturday.
As you all know, we have our ear to the entire community and we aim to make decisions that are fair for everyone. Yesterday, our bonding event went better than expected and some people were unable to get into the bond in Phase 1. We understand how frustrating this can be, and have decided to do something about it.
Today, at 2100 UTC we will be issuing a brand new bond. This bond will be a BUSD only bond and contain only 75,000 BUSD available for bonding. Once this bond fills, there will not be another way to get into T2K until we launch on Saturday on the open market.
We based this time on website traffic from yesterday to prioritize our Australian and Netherland holders. We see you!
The Good Stuff
We are hard at work with the staking contracts as well as the initial dashboard and sniper bot. We expect all of these to be fully operational the moment you are able to claim your tokens.
To reiterate, there will be two versions of staking. There will be LP staking and T2K staking.
LP staking will offer a near 10x amount of rewards vs just T2K staking. These rewards can and will add up greatly over time. If you want more information about how to create an LP token please go to our medium at and look for the liquidity article.
Sniper Bot:
The sniper bot is being redesigned and will look so much nicer within the new protocol. The functionality will remain the same and there are plenty of safeguards to make sure that you are always protected when using it.
Over the next 30 days, our focus will be almost entirely on the Sniper Bot and making improvements. The immediate utility improvements are going to add NFT utility, Pre-Sale Sniping and stop loss/limit orders.
This will be huge as you can now set a selling price if your snipe tanks after purchase, and you can also set sell orders so when you get to a level of gain you’re happy with, it’ll auto-execute that sale for you. I’m personally so pumped for this.
The new bond will be open today at 4pm PST (2100 UTC). There will only be 75,000 BUSD available. If you want to get in before launch, this is your last chance unless you’re already an OG Hedge Holder!
Less than 48 hours until T2K claiming….